Dude isnt shy. He would see an empty beach chair, and he'd just help himself. He's recently learned to climb things, so he put those skills to good use. Here, he snagged himself a comfortable spot to kick back and watch some action on the beach.

This space will be dedicated to our cute addition. Casey Xue Xian Wang. Follow his (and our) experiences with us. Check back regularly, we plan to update as much as Casey allows us. IF YOU WANT TO ACCESS SYDNEY'S BLOG: CLICK HERE
Hi, Casey, the chair looks very comfortable, but be careful. Once, when your dad was 4 or 5 years old, the lawn chair suddenly fold-up on him while he was climbing on it. We had to rush him to the hospital. The doctor gave him 8 stitches on his forehead. Love you, Nai Nai