We had a nice Father's Day celebration all weekend, with a family day at the beach. WAY down the beach, Casey spotted a dump truck. At his request, Daddy and Casey hiked all the way down the beach to get a close look at the dump truck. Turns out, it was his lucky day. A tractor pulled up and was emptying its load into the dump truck. And the supervisor was in a 'Blue Truck'. Casey kept repeating three phrases.. "Dump truck, tractor, and blue truck".. When I asked him if he was ready to walk back, he replied, "Not yet". So we sat in the sand and watched the trucks some more. In the background of the photos, if you look CLOSELY, you can see the yellow dump truck off in the distance.

Casey and Daddy also got their feet wet in the ocean.

Considering its been unseasonably cold lately, we decided to sit and watch the ocean instead...
best days are lazy days with the little monkey