The July 4th weekend started out eventful. On July 3rd, PJ celebrated his 5 month birthday by rolling from stomach to back. He caught on pretty fast, and figured out that if he rolled continously in one direction, he could be mobile, and find lots of interesting stuff to get into.
On the 4th, PJ stayed away from the madness that is the beach scene. Instead, he went to Wilson Park, where he enjoyed festivities including live bands, food court and lots and lots of people. In the evening, Pj went to bed.. and we nervously waited for the fireworks to start. The City of Torrance puts on a HUGE fireworks show each 4th at Wilson Park, which is right down the street. At 9PM sharp, the fireworks start, and we watched PJ on the baby monitor... He slept thru the whole thing! Back in May, there was a 4.7 earthquake who's epicenter was a few miles away.. Pj slept thru that whole episode too. I'm kinda wondering exactly what can disturb this kid when he sleeps.
Pix at the City of Torrance 4th of July celebration.

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