Well, from day one, there was no doubt that Casey was mine. When I first saw his head pop out, it was like I was looking in a mirror. Almost 40 yrs apart, lots of things have changed... Bouncers have improved, rug styles have changed, diaper technology has improved. But check out the photos, one cerca 1969-70, the other 2009!

PSW as a baby cerca 1970. Kinda reminds me of a restraint system that might be found in a mental institution. Hmm, maybe there are some things I dont know about my childhood... Note the color of the carpet.. I wonder if that color was chosen on purpose, if I spit up, or threw up, it likely would have matched the carpet color.

Casey as a baby in Sept, 2009. Much more colorful. I wonder how much money was spent on marketing, focus groups and psychiatrists over the last 40 yrs to come to the conclusion that blue with green accents is a great improvement over the mental institution bland of 1969. And about the carpets, light tan here, not gonna camouflage spit up, throw up or poop stains at all!
Yes, no doubt Casey is your son! As for the mental institution bland...that would explain a lot! As for the light tan carpet, I think I have figured out how to get all the spit up stains so far. Luckily, no poop stains....yet.